Our son, Michael, was diagnosed with a malignant medulloblastoma (brain tumor), in 1990, at the age of 21. He successfully beat his cancer and has dedicated part of his life to supporting others suffering from cancer. He has volunteereed thousands of hours as a volunteer with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, where he received his radiation treatment, and where he has now worked for over the past eleven years. He has volunteered at Camp Star Trails, M.D. Anderson’s one week pediatric camp, as a counselor, for over 15 years. He has served on the board and is involved with Candlelighters, a local group supporting families with a child with cancer. He has helped coordinate their weekend camp for over the past ten years. Unrelated to his cancer, he also lives successfully with Tourette Syndrome. He has recently started a foundation called Tri for Tourette in which he races IRONMAN events to raise funds for a camp, for children with Tourette Syndrome, he started eleven years ago. Michael doesn’t work in a medical capacity at M.D. Anderson (financial related position), but all that mattered to him was that he was part of the effort to help cure cancer and help all those suffering from it. He often visits with patients and volunteers in various programs there.