One morning in November 2015, Mike went to the gym as was his normal routine. He usually uses the elliptical machine for 20 minutes. This particular morning he was on the elliptical for 1 hour 20 minutes and collapsed. Emergency Services were called but Mike said he was fine and wouldn’t go to the hospital. I came right home from work and we went to the hospital. An x-ray determined he had a mass on his brain. We then went straight to MUSC. At MUSC it was determined that Mike had a lymphoma on his brain. After many more tests he was diagnosed with Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. We were then introduced to Dr. Linhorst and his wonderful team of medical professionals. We then spent 16 weeks having various chemotherapy treatments, half of which were at the ART Center (Ashley River Tower), and at home. During those weeks at the ART Center Mike spent 5 days in treatment. He never complained, even when he lost all his hair after the last grueling round of 108 hours of chemo. I was just glad it was during the winter and there was no grass to mow or gutters to clean as I am sure he would have still wanted to do those chores himself. In May he had his first MRI since having the treatment regime prescribed by Dr. Lindhorst and his team and there was no sign of either tumor in his scan. We can’t thank Dr. Lindhorst, his team of guardian angels and all the wonderful medical staff at the ART Center for the wonderful care Mike was given during his ordeal. We will forever be grateful.