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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Megan Souriyavongsa

Michael is an incredible man who has overcome devostating obsticals. He was diagnosed with a tumor the size of a baseball at the age of 20, spent his 21st birthday in the Neuro ICU after emergency crainiotomy resection of his tumor. The pathology results came shortly after with the result of a an anaplastic astrocytoma. Grade 3. He has endured 30 proton radiation treatments, 8 months of Chemotherapy and countless side effects from treatment. Including severe weakness on his right side, making it difficult to use his right hand, double vision, kidney disease, pockets of fluid in his skull, and constant nausea and fatigue. Despite these circumstances that would be enough to ruin a person’s outlook on life, Michael has made the choice to apprecite each day, and enjoy the life he has been given. He has continually inspired all those who know him, with his contagious positive outlook, his sweet personality and humor, as well as overflowing my heart with love and joy each day! His faith has given others hope, and he is an outstanding example of what it means to fight, and endure, persevere with dignity and strength. Michael is using his platform, and opportunity he has been given to encourage others struggling with cancer, and be an example to those who have the privilege of knowing him. Michaels motto he uses daily is this: life is a marathon, not a sprint. Use this minor set back for a major comeback! Love you always! I’m so proud to be your wife.