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Keeping the Faith

Oscar LoeraCropped



Oscar Loera received the dreaded words “you have a brain tumor” when he was diagnosed with a Grade 2 ogliodendroglioma in November 2008. The tumor was removed, and for the next eight months Oscar’s health and daily activities returned to normal – he began running and working out at the gym and felt the best he had in a long time. But then in August 2009, a routine MRI showed that the tumor had returned and progressed to a Grade 3 level.

A second surgery was performed, and as he was preparing to begin radiation and chemotherapy treatments, he received the stunning news that he needed a third surgery to give him a “fighting chance.” And just four weeks later, a third surgery was performed at MD Anderson, and Oscar started chemotherapy soon after.

He completed his treatment last November, and his last two MRIs revealed no new tumor growth. Throughout his ordeal, Oscar refused to give up working and has been devoted to spending time with his family and his two dogs, all while keeping the faith that he will see a cure in his lifetime.

He recently celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary, and is looking forward to seeing his two children graduate in the next few years, all with the determination to stay the course, living life to the fullest, as he continues to Keep the Faith.