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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Melinda Murray

My Mother-in-law was diagnosed at stage IV brain cancer almost two months ago. She is a very loving mother and grandmother and cares deeply for her family. This news came as a shock to all of us, as she is a fighter and pushes herself beyond measure – but we can see that this is taking a toll on her weak body. The day we found out about her brain tumors/cancer was the same day that I saw the Facebook post for Head For the Cure. God is forever great in how He puts things in our path to be able to honor someone who is very much loved. I am not a runner by any stretch of the imagination, but I just could not let this wonderful opportunity pass me up! I love my Mother- in -law as she and my Father – in -law have been so good to me. Thank you HFTC for continuing this organization and allowing us to nominate our loved ones!