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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Angela Huskins

Meet Paul Huskins! He is the most amazing father and husband! He is the definition of someone who has kept the faith through his entire journey fighting brain cancer. 

In November 2012, Paul went to his doctor to discuss constant headaches and “weird” feelings. An MRI determined that Paul had a mango sized tumor. It was at the University of California San Francisco, on February 13, 2013, that Paul underwent a 9 hour brain surgery. The surgery was successful and they were able to remove all of his tumor. Paul was diagnosed with a mixed grade Oglioastrocytoma. After surgery, Paul spent a total of 4 weeks in San Francisco before he was released to travel back home to Austin, TX. Once home, he did 6 weeks of radiation and 1 year of chemotherapy.

Post-surgery Paul had set backs in both his speech and ability to use the right side of his body. I witnessed his amazing strength and determination when he went from not being able to talk, or stand post-surgery, to the completely independent and fully functionally individual that he is today. He worked hard through speech, physical and occupational therapy for months post-surgery. He never gave up or lost hope. Seeing Paul today you never would imagine what he has been through.

I am so proud of my husband as he managed to not only physically under go all treatments, but he kept a smile through it all! Despite everything that Paul has been through, he is the most positive, optimistic and loving person! He has never allowed this disease to define him or change who he is at his core.

Today, Paul is doing great 5 years post diagnosis. He has never had any regrowth of his tumor. He currently goes to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, where he receives quarterly MRI’s. He is an amazing father to our two kids and a stay at home dad. He puts his family first, no matter how he is feeling. Every year we celebrate the anniversary of his surgery as a way to reflect on how far Paul has come, and also to have hope for the future!