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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
The Magnificent 7 (Grandchildren)

Our Pop-Pop, diagnosed with a GBM in July of 2017, is simply put, the best Pop-Pop in the world. Though he may wear a funny hat (which we’re told magically keeps his brain working), and he may spend a lot of days watching the horses race, here are 7 reason our Pop Pop is the greatest: 1. Pop Pop is…. EAGLES!! (Jackson, Age 2). 2. Pop Pop is my best friend. He laughs and shares his jellybeans with me. I’d like to see the horses with him! He’s my favorite! (Dylan, Age 3). 3. I love Pop Pop because he gives me jellybeans and he tickles me so hard! He steals my blankie but it’s not his. He needs his own blanket but, he can borrow blanket for a little bit (Penelope, Age 4). 4. Pop Pop is my favorite to watch football with. I love going to his house and watching the Eagles (Joey, Age 10). 5. My Pop Pop is the most generous. He gifted me a gift to Italy this summer with school, and I will always remember how he gifted me the experience of a lifetime (Dean, Age 14). 6. I remember being little and Pop Pop would always greet us as “tickle monster’ or, when he could see is kids getting bored at family parties, he would always come play with us no matter what (Morgan, 15). 7. Pop Pop has an unwavering playfulness throughout my childhood and now, my younger cousins. He is a beacon of love and laughter. A source of joy for kids and adults alike (Shannon, 18). We are so happy Pop Pop moved to Florida to be closer to us. Pop Pop continues to be the funnest, silliest, warmest, and selfless Pop Pop out there. Though we only shared 7 reasons, there are 7 million more which could only give you a glimpse of the kind a man he is, and the love he spreads. To our Pop Pop with love, The Magnificant 7 Shannon, Morgan, Dean, Joey, Penelope, Dylan, & Jackson