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Keeping the Faith

0624192053 (2)



Submitted by:
Sharon Garcia

On Thanksgiving weekend in 2017, Rebecca wasn’t feeling right and went to the ER at St. Joseph, Ann Arbor. After having a CAT Scan, she was told that she had a brain tumor. She was admitted immediately and scheduled for surgery three days later. Following the surgery, the surgeon told Rebecca’s husband, Michael that it was Glioblastoma, Stage IV. Hearing brain tumor was horrible. Hearing Glioblastoma was devastating. Her prognosis was 8 to 14 months. From the very beginning, Rebecca has been strong and positive. Her faith has kept her grounded. She went through a round of chemotherapy and radiation. Then started Optune. Ten months from diagnosis, her MRI showed a new tumor. This was Thanksgiving 2018. St. Joseph told her they had nothing to offer for a recurrence. She transferred to Henry Ford, Detroit. Following her surgery, she was accepted into a trial for Tocagen. She is on the sixth round of Tocagen and doing well. She is living life strong. Her and Michael are traveling. She is scrapbooking like crazy, which is her happy place. She has already beat the initial prognosis. There are so many people praying for her that God’s ears hurt. Rebecca is an inspiration to many.