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Keeping the Faith

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Submitted by:
Molly Moody

Meet Rhonda DeFreece – Wife. Mom. Grandma. Friend. Brain Cancer Survivor.   

15 years ago, Rhonda was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  This marked the beginning of a long journey that lead her through two brain surgeries, 6 weeks of radiation, and 10 months of chemotherapy. The aftermath resulted in learning how to walk again and life long therapy. 

Along the way, Rhonda has been surrounded by her loving husband, Dave, and their family.  In 2009, Rhonda attended her first Head for the Cure event. Since then, she has grown her team, Rhonda’s Racers, into one of the largest teams, and most inspriring, Head for the Cure teams every year. In addition to Kansas City, Rhonda’s Racers also have a big presence in our Omaha event. 

Rhonda is an unmatched volunteer and ambassador to the Head for the Cure community. What’s more, she is always willing to share her time and encouragement to others who are moving along the journey with a brain tumor.  If you have met Rhonda and been graced by her smile, there are no words for the impression she leaves on you.  Always positive, always warm. Even in her hardest of times, Rhonda gave glory to God.  Her strength, determination, and gracefulness with which she lives her life is why she deserves to be recognized for always Keeping the Faith. 

Thank you, Rhonda, for never giving up your fight and for inspiring the brain cancer community. We are incredibly grateful to know you, and your family and for the unconditional support you show us at Head for the Cure.