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Keeping the Faith

OSU Sam and Laura 2



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Sam Mierzejewski is “Keeping the Faith” in many ways and is an inspiration to everyone around him. Sam started with the Upper Arlington Division of Police in 1995. Throughout his career he was a natural leader receiving numerous awards in recognition of his efforts to fight crime. Sam made being physically fit a priority and worked out with his customary determination to hone his skills which were recognized by his fellow officers earning him the nickname “Swat Sam”. Through hard work he became Detective in the Criminal Investigations Section specializing in investigating “Crimes Against Persons” and eventually moved up in the ranks with a well-deserved promotion to Sergeant. Sam’s customary pursuit to be an accomplished officer who is knowledgeable in all aspects of law enforcement, then served as Sergeant overseeing the department’s Training Section. While working as a sergeant, Sam was diagnosed with a Brain Stem Tumor and as a result was forced to resign due to his diagnosis. 

Sam overcame many difficult obstacles due to the brain tumor and treatment associated with recovery but he never gave up. Sam had to relearn basic skills once again in his life such as walking, talking and folding towels. His faith and perseverance was seen by everyone around him.  
Sam’s fighting spirit and dedication for good over evil continues today.  Although he is not able to rejoin the police force Sam is employed at Cardinal Health in Corporate Security conducting investigations. Sam has always been an inspiration with his upbeat, optimistic attitude and refusal to never give up. Sam has been a positive role model for his children, coworkers and friends. He is an exemplary example of keeping the faith. With all of this being said, Sam Mierzejewski is the epitome of a strong, determined brain cancer survivor. He is “Keeping the Faith” every day and should be honored for his fortitude in overcoming such a horrible disease with his always present good humor, grace and purpose.