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Keeping the Faith




To say that Sara McCambridge has been through a tough battle with brain cancer is an understatement. Her battle began when her husband, Jeff Sorensen was diagnosed in 1999. Just a short time after, in 2000, her daughter Madelyn Sorensen-Dyson was also diagnosed with brain cancer.

How does one begin to keep the faith when God has just given the test of a lifetime? Sara, along with Jeff, Maddie and her youngest daughter Hannah knew that the only way to fight this disease was…head on (no pun intended). Faith was tested on a regular basis for the next several years as there were surgeries, radiation, chemo and various drug trials. Somehow, someway Sara managed to wake up every morning and tend and love her husband and her daughter. Sure there was no lack of difficult and trying times for all. If one adjective could be given to Sara it would be GIVING.

On September 16, 2002, Jeff lost his hard fought battle and was finally free of this horrible disease. It was at this moment that Sara had to focus on a way to keep her faith. How does one begin to move forward after such devastating loss? How does one begin to heal such a broken heart? Sara knew she had to live for Maddie and Hannah, more importantly she had to live for herself! Sara was able to allow herself to fall in love again, just as Jeff would have wanted.

Life seemed full of many happy new memories being made…two grandsons living a happy and healthy childhood, Maddie was feeling strong and even found love herself. Just when Sara was able to breathe easily, the news came that Maddie’s tumor had resurfaced and hearts and spirits were down. Sara, once again resumed her role as a faithful caretaker of her cancer stricken daughter. Sara had faith in God and thought he would not allow her to lose another loved one. How could she possibly be put through this all over again? On July 15, 2010, Maddie lost her 10 year battle to brain cancer.

Keeping the Faith, is this even possible when a mother loses her child and spouse? Sara questioned faith on numerous occasions. At one point, even was angry at God for taking her husband and her daughter. With all the sorrow, hurt and anger, it was Sara’s ability to Keep the Faith that has gotten her to where she is today.

Once again, there is life back in Sara! She lives the memory and legacy of her late husband and her daughter. She lives for her husband, Marty, her daughter Hannah and for her grandsons, Ari and Cameron…Sara lives for herself! Sara will continue Keeping the Faith as she journeys through life building many more happy memories, believing in God, and always holding true to Maddie and Jeff and all of those that have gone home. They are the reason we continue on in the gift of life!