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Keeping the Faith




Submitted by:
Giedre Stefankiewicz

Bad things happen to good people. Well that is the case with my sister, Sofia. This is one of my favorite pictures of Sofia, holding her godson, and my son, Kevin. She has always been wonderful with children and that’s why she was a wonderful first grade teacher. She retired from teaching in 2010. She is loved by all who meet her. Even to this day, past students recognize her where ever she goes. Sofia is everyone’s favorite. She is faith filled and has so many friends, family, and people everywhere praying for her. Father Leo at St. Constance in particular. For whenever Sofia is down everyone is there to lift her up. In July of 2015, my sister was diagnosed with a GBM grade IV. Thanks to Dr. Lee at Henry Ford Hospital, he performed a successful awake craniotomy. Dr. Walbert and all the Henry Ford staff have been wonderful in caring for Sofia. The nature of this GBM is that it reoccurs, and this is what happened to Sofia again in August of 2016. Once again , Dr. Lee performed surgery. We had hoped she would qualify for a clinical trial, but because Sofia had a heart complication this wasn’t to happen. Instead Dr. Lee did a laser ablation. Sofia came through once again, determined to not give up, and telling herself “one day at a time.” She is determined to lead the best life she can and enjoy all that she can along the way. No one can predict what happens to us except God. With faith and a positive attitude Sofia is doing well. Probably the hardest thing is that Sofia has always been so independent and sometimes she has to rely on her caregivers more than she may want. Us as caregivers may be over protective, but that is our sister, and we are fierce in protecting her. Brain cancer in general is a horrific disease and that is why we want to support Head for the Cure. Sofia is our team captain but she won’t be walking only because she was just discharged from rehab Wednesday. She can’t wait to be off the steroid and be her old self. We all love you Sofia! God Bless