In April of 2008, Sue Mosbauer was diagnosed with a stage IV Glioblastoma. She had surgery and the tumor was removed. She underwent radiation and a year of oral chemotherapy. She was then given the grim prognosis of only one to two years survival, but that didn’t that stop her. She bought a house, not just any house – a repo house – and renovated the whole thing.
Sue has been an RN since 1997. She responded well to the first round of radiation and chemo. Things seemed to be going really well. In December 2009, an MRI showed a spot that was too deep and inoperable, and it was biopsied. In January 2010, Sue had to stop working at the hospital.
At the two-year mark in April 2010, Sue joined her grandson and granddaughter on a BMX trip to Georgia. Her daughter noticed she was starting to have a bit of trouble with her left leg, and she was beginning to limp a little bit. In three weeks’ time, she was using a cane and dragging her left foot up the stairs. The family decided to take a different course of action. Sue is taking bi-weekly treatments of Avastin and more oral chemotherapy and seems to be tolerating it well.
She loves spending time with her grandchildren. Her latest passion is sewing a quilt she started from the very first surgery. This lady is tough, and she will not go down without a fight!