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Legacy of Love




Submitted by:
Jenny Williams
I nominate my sister Angie for the Legacy of Love award. After our mom passed away in 2010, our dad took a job down in St. Louis, where Angie lived. Our mom had been main caretaker for my dad when he was diagnosed with brain cancer in 1996. His tumor was stable for many years, until 2014-15, when his disease rapidly progressed and metastasized from his brain to his meninges and down his spine. There were many trips to the ER, multiple surgeries, radiation and more. Angie became his main caretaker throughout it all, allowing me to remain up in Chicago and keeping me updated. He passed away in June of 2015. I was able to visit him prior to his passing, and I can only imagine how hard it was on my sister to keep strong while caring for him in his final days. Now we participate in the St. Louis 5k to honor his legacy, and Angie continues to be supportive of me and my current battle with the same tumor that took our father from us. She is a rockstar, and definitely deserves an award for her own tough journey.