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Legacy of Love

Brianna Love



Submitted by:
Julie Love
Brianna is my 22-year-old granddaughter who lives with me. Knowing the challenge of taking care of me after my second craniotomy which left me more disabled on my left side. She has taken on every challenge. Helping to dress me, feed me, shower me. Setting her life aside to make sure I am not alone and that I don’t have to worry about my mobility. Driving me to appts.. Helping me walk. She has been such a blessing. I am raiding my 17-year-old granddaughter as well. She has helped with her, too. Especially with my extended stay in the hospital and through my rehabilitation stay learning to have some independence. Brianna is constantly supportive and encouraging in showing her maturity and willingness to just love me. She is a denial person to take on such a role as my caregiver. I am fiercely proud of her. I am very blessed.