My mom is the most tenacious, kind, and loving person I know. Her strong will, determination, and natural care-giving tendencies have always been her shining qualities, but they have really shown through when in March of 2019, my father was diagnosed with Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme. As in shock as we all were, my mom sprang right into action, determined that she would do everything in her power to help my dad fight with everything in him. Since then, she has spent countless hours researching, educating herself, finding the best team, and continuing to be a superhero working wife and mother and now, caregiver. If you know my mom, which many at Henry Ford Hermelin Brain Tumor Center do, you know she is a force to be reckoned with and will never stop fighting and supporting those she loves. Every caregiver puts themselves on the back-burner to help their loved one, and my mom certainly has done that. She has continuously sacrificed personal needs and wants to support her family. She has never asked for recognition, but she certainly deserves it. Thank you from Dad (Bob), Dena, Raymond, myself (Stephanie), and everyone who has the honor of knowing you.