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Legacy of Love



What is a Legacy.
A Legacy, by definition, is the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the
past, or of a person’s life.
For me a Person’s Legacy is something everyone should think about at least once a day. However,
sometimes, a person is so special at something they do, or provide, they don’t even realize or think
twice about it. It is just who they are and what they have become.
For me when you think about a person’s Legacy, you think about how they made you feel. Its not about
a career they had, a hobby they were great at, or the things they had. It is not any of that.
It comes down to did you feel happy when you were around them?
Did you laugh when you were around them? Did they make you feel inspired to be a better person? Or
did they just make you smile every time they walked in the room?
All of those feelings are amazing. And anyone that provides you those feelings, hold on to them for as
long as you can.
But for me, the Biggest Legacy, anyone can leave, is a Legacy of Love.
A Legacy of Love can not only impact one person’s life. But, from my experience, it can change the Entire
Direction of Multiple generations.
From my experience, True Love, a Legacy of Love, is the main reason why I am still alive today and have
the opportunity to write this.
True Love is the reason why I have two beautiful, perfect kids.
True Love is the reason why my parents still have their son.
True Love is the reason why I have the opportunity to create my own Legacy.
True Love is our story.
True Love is why I believe this person deserves to be The Legacy of Love winner.
Around 12 years ago her life, her dreams, were all coming together. Everything was playing out as
This was the case until a month after she was married, she found out the love of her life, may not be
part of her life for very long.
She found out that having kids, like she always dreamed of having, may not be a possibility.
She was told that even trying to have kids with her husband, who was just diagnosed with brain cancer,
was irresponsible.

Everything that she had been dreaming of. Everything that she had been working for, her whole life, was
now put on hold. Maybe even cancelled.
She was devastated. She was broken. She did not know what to do next.
But, she did know one thing. She knew Love.
Without thinking, she Loved.
She Researched. She Cared. She Fought. She Cried. She Stayed. She Loved.
Over the years this has not changed.
Over the years, I have struggled. I have struggled to hold up my end of the bargain.
Over the years, this woman has been our Rock.
Over the years, this woman has been nothing but Love.
I owe my life to this woman.
Emily, thank you for doing what you do best. Thank you for Believing from the beginning, and through
my downfalls. Thank you for hanging on to the unknown. Thank you for having Faith. Thank you for your
I Love you so much.