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Legacy of Love

KC LOL - Erin Stewart



Submitted by:
DJ Stewart
My amazing wife and I have been together now for six years and married just over one year. When I was diagnosed with a grade four GBM on the right side of my brain in May 2019 after already having been diagnosed with soft tissue cancer in my leg not even a year before you would have thought my wife was a trained soldier. She didn’t skip a beat and looking at every single option as far as my care and treatment moving forward. She stood by me and took care of me every single day after my craniotomy. She was my constant motivational force on the days of pure exhaustion from chemo and radiation. She fed me she made sure my meds were always taken on time she took care of the things that I couldn’t and never flinched. She did all of this while constantly working with my family and doctors to ensure that I was getting the best possible treatment. We traveled to Newport Beach so I could undergo the Gama Knife procedure and she surprised me with tickets to Harry Potter world (one of our absolute favorite things in the world). She somehow made a situation that was terrifying a vacation. She does that for me every day. A few months ago on my one year anniversary of being diagnosed, she surprised me with one of the most beautiful nights of my entire life. She gathered my friends and family and a video of many others that couldn’t be there to congratulate me on my one year. Let’s just say I cried. Not to mention she somehow managed to get me a motorcycle!!! A couple of days after while still riding the high of my celebration I was informed that unfortunately, the tumor had come back. I was terrified she held me and my hand every step of the new battle. Here we are 3 months post my second craniotomy and she to this day is unshaken. She is my rock. I would be so lost without her. From daily pill schedules and making sure I’m eating enough and getting enough exercise to the extremely tedious application and maintenance of my optune device. She is the strongest person I’ve ever met and I feel so blessed to have her as my caretaker.