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Legacy of Love

Francesca D



Submitted by:
Frank DiBella
March of 2019 while working in my yard a piece of wood hit me in the head. a couple of days later my daughter said to me I was slurring my words. The while working I could not read an email of 10 words because I didn’t know what it meant. I went to an emergency room where they did an MRI and they found a tumor in the frontal lobe. after consulting with hospitals we decided to go to MSK in New York. At this point, I was not following anything the doctors were saying and thank the good lord my wife took notes and asked all the proper questions. At this point, I knew it must be bad because she was crying. After speaking to the doctor at Memorial Sloan he explained I had Central Nervous System Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. He was very honest and explained what I would be going through. I had 6 months of intense Chemo and we decided that I should also do Stem Cell replacement. My wife gathered family and friends and told them what I would be going through and any blood or platelet donations would help in my fight for recovery. After i went through 9 days of additional extensive Chemo the Stem Cell replacement began. Fran never left my side sleeping in a cot next to me, helping to the bathroom, and walking me around to get my strength back. these were dark days and she had to deal with my mood changes and bickering with her for no reason but the doctors told her this was to be expected. I came home New Years’ eve and have been on the mend. My MRI show the Tumor is gone but I will need to monitor it for a long time. She has finally filled me in and told me the doctor said less then 5% survive this cancer but she never let me know that. She has been my rock to lean on and I thank the good Lord for letting me share my life with her and for the children she has given me. Fighting cancer is easier when you have the love of your life there for you each step of the way. Even if she does not win she will always be my Legacy of Love!!!