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Legacy of Love

Heather C



Submitted by:
Jonny Hayes
I am nominating my mother, Heather Czapski for the Legacy of Love award. Our lives were forever changed May of last year when my Step-Dad Steve Czapski was diagnosed with Stage 4 Glioblastoma. After hearing the diagnosis my Mom immediately sought out research for optimal treatment options and the best surgeon/medical team here in Detroit, Michigan. Fast forward 16 months later… my brother and I have witnessed my Mom go through an absolute emotional roller-coaster, it’s been quite the journey to say the least. She has handled each day with such grace, emotional strength, and an infinite loving heart for her husband, Steve. Through the good days and the bad, she has been nothing short of amazing all around. Her patience, kindness, and courage… my Mom is my Hero. Simply the strongest person I know. I want my Mom to be recognized for what she has done and continues to do for her husband, Steve. She has said from day one… “God wouldn’t give me anything I can’t handle…” – this just goes to show the positive outlook she has had throughout this journey. Unfortunately, Steve cannot communicate his appreciation so he wanted me to use this platform to thank my Mom for everything she has done for him. We Love You, Mom.