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Legacy of Love

Jeff Stoos



Submitted by:
Cassie Parks
My mother was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma in November 2019. My dad, Jeff, her high school sweetheart, never left her side. To this day he is always there, selflessly taking care of my mother, all while working from home full time. He is a fierce advocate for her, getting her into the necessary treatments and doctors so that my mom has the best treatment we can get for her. For sicker or for poorer…these vows remain unbroken, and the way he cares for my mom, while he himself copes with the diagnosis. She is the love of his life, and he continues to show her that and it’s a true inspiration. He makes me want to be a better spouse to my husband, because in a blink of an eye your life, your normal can be changed/gone. I hope I can be as selfless and caring as he is. I wish that I could do more for him and my mom as I am not close but I think letting people know how special he is, is one way to tell him how much I love him and am so proud of him.