Karen Bergman is one caring, stubborn and wonderful hero in our family! Bill Bergman (Karen’s husband) was diagnosed with GBM in January of 2020. Since that Thursday, she hasn’t left his side. Karen has completely rearranged their home to fulfill our dads wishes to be there. She wakes up everyday with a positive attitude knowing that today might not be an easy day but together they will get through it. Bill Bergman has declined within the last few months after discovering two new tumors located on brain stem and spinal cord, and Karen has taken on this challenge as one to bear on her shoulders. Lifting a 6’3″ man from wheelchair, to bed, to car and back again in order to allow Bill the best life she can give him. And he tags along! She’s the partner leading the way through this challenge. Karen deserves so much more than the legacy of love nomination but this is a small token of us looking at her and saying “WOW. Thank you! You are amazing! And we are so proud of you!”