Kerstin Kasper is a single mom of her son Kyrie who was only 6 months old when she knew something was wrong with her baby. After going to pediatrician and GI specialist they were referred to MUSC Children’s Hospital where they found hydrocephalus a fluid in the brain that could not be released because of a mass. Surgery was scheduled the next day and then after surgery the doctors came to tell her 6 month old Kyrie was diagnosed with Atypical terroir rhabdoid tumor(ATRT) a rare aggressive cancer that developed in the brain. Kerstin would not leave Kyrie and even spent the night in his crib. The love of a mom for her child I believe helped her son survive. She had Kyrie baptized before starting the first round of chemo. She had to move in with her parents and traveled to Florida for six weeks for some of his treatment. Kerstin appreciated non- profits who gave jars of joy and encouragement along the journey. NEGU provided a 1000 dollar check which she bought Marley, a golden doodle who is registered as his therapy dog. Thanks be to God, doctors, family and friends they both survived this traumatic journey. Kyrie is 8 years old, soccer player and is a cancer survivor. Today, Kerstin is working at MUSC pediatric ICU.