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Legacy of Love

Maida2 (2)



Submitted by:
Anna Espy
The minute I called my sister, Maida, last year to tell her my MRI was abnormal, her big sister instincts kicked in. Since then, she has been my biggest supporter, my advocate, my shoulder to cry on, and on a personal mission to make sure there is a cure for my tumor if and when it decides to rear its ugly head again. She has taken the lead in organizing a HFTC team and has donated so much of her own personal funds because the cause means so much to her. Despite having her own family to take care of and living an hour apart from me, I know that she will be available if I ever need anything or if my husband or daughters need anything. Fighting any type of brain tumor or cancer should never be a one person done. I have been lucky enough to have so many family members, friends, coworkers, community member, etc. in my corner, but the strength and courage I receive every day from my sister is something I can’t do without.