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Legacy of Love

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Submitted by:
Jason Mulcahy
My amazing wife, Michelle, despite her own ailments, has pushed me to be who I am today. The days when I didn’t have the strength to push through, she has always been there to give me the boost I needed. She is one of the most selfless, caring and empathetic individuals I know. Michelle is always willing to lend a hand or tackle a task when ask to do so. “I can’t” is not in her vocabulary. She is the glue to our family and brings smiles to all that she meets. She is also the most talented Optune array changer I know. On top of being my caregiver through my cancer journey, she works full time and is doing a tremendous job at raising our daughters to be successful, strong and smart young ladies. Without Michelle, I would be lost. My family and I are extremely lucky to have her! Michelle, I love you more than you know.