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Legacy of Love

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Submitted by:
Brandon Knight
Wow when I think of my wife I think Rock. Through my diagnosis and recovery she showed a side of herself that truly demonstrated selfless faith and love. When I was recovering at Baylor there were long days so I would tell her to go home to rest, she would completely ignore the request or show up later to surprise me. She has demonstrated selfless love like that over and over again. Through radiation and chemotherapy she would never allow me to lose hope. That being the case once I was told I had to go back onto chemo. She stood firm in what she believed. I’ve learned so much from her thru this experience certainly about how to love others as yourself. And for those who have the joy to call her friend know that she will be there for you. She will also speak truth with love in order to build you up and guide you towards the One who reconciles all things to Himself. Where do I begin when I speak about her being a mother? Oh what joy she demonstrates when loving and raising our son, Asher. It’s worth saying again selfless love. And in the mist of it all we are expecting our second child, a girl. Yes Rachel is a Rock. What a blessing she is. She will always be my number one because our relationship revolves around Christ. She knows I’m moved to tears so now as this is being written (and I’m sure when it’s read aloud) those tears are present as a wonderful remembrance of all she has taught me and demonstrated thru her kindness towards me and others. She’s my best friend…