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Legacy of Love



Roger is my husband, and truly my better half. I have always loved him but in the last two years my love for him has grown more than I could have ever imagined. We were only married 7 months when I got my diagnosis at the age of 28. I was a mess and he held it all together for the both of us. He has taken me to every appointment to hold my hand and worked out of the infusion clinic when I had my chemotherapy. I am sure all the appointments and random ER visits were the last thing he wanted to be interrupted by but he did not once complain about any of it because he wanted to make sure I was okay.  He has shown me what it means to stick to your vows, “through sickness and health,” no matter the stress he was under at work or the stress of my diagnosis- never ending appointments. The long sleepless nights were always comforted by his prayers and love for God and me. Roger is home to me. I am so blessed and thankful to have his love and support through all of this. He is the best husband a girl could ever ask for. I love him with all my heart. I pray you all find yourselves a Roger.