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Legacy of Love




This is my Mom Rose. My mom and step dad were married for 22 years. In February 2019 her husband Wayne was diagnosed with a very large brain tumor and what followed was a incredibly hard 2 1/2 years filled multiple brain surgeries, hospital stays, nights of sleeping on the hard floor and in uncomfortable chairs in the waiting rooms, chemo and radiation treatments. February 2021 we were told the tumor was growing back rapidly and had went over into a grade 3 meningioma which meant terminal brain cancer. My Mom is disabled due to her back and she has major problems with her shoulders but that never stopped my Mom from doing what needed to be done for Wayne. She drove him 60 miles just one way to doctors appointments, for chemo/ radiation treatments and surgeries and when he was admitted in the hospital she drove up to sit by his bedside and to be there when all his doctors came in. And she did all of that in a car that had almost 200,000 (if not over 200,000) miles and no AC or heat for the really hot/cold days. There were days she didn’t even know if her car was gonna make it that round trip of 120 miles but she drove it anyway. As Wayne’s cancer progressed she never hesitated to step up and be his 24 hour 7 days a week caregiver. She did research on what to expect and asked the hospice nurses tons of questions. She changed his clothes/pull ups and bedding when needed no matter how much her back and shoulders might have been hurting. There were days where she was up all night with him when he couldn’t sleep. She did her best to reassure him when he was scared and confused about what was happening to him. She fed him when he got to where he couldn’t feed himself, helped shave his face and cut his hair to help him feel better about himself and made sure he got all his meds. She put her husband, his needs and being his care giver before herself even on the days when she was exhausted running on no sleep and was hurting herself. She was selfless and always had to be reminded to take care of herself too so she could take care of her husband. She is a prime example of what it means to stick the marriage vows of for better, for worse, through sickness and in health till death do us part. I nominate my Mom Rose for the Legacy Of Love!