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Legacy of Love

Sandra H



Submitted by:
Stephanie Nave
Sandra is my mom and was there on that fateful day I found out I had a brain tumor. She had taken me in to get a routine MRI for my Epilepsy and the tech came to give me contrast for the first time. I told her that and we came home to a message from my Neurologist asking us to come back because they found something on the MRI. I didn’t want to be that Senior with a brain tumor so she made sure I had enough bandanas, scarves, hats, and even a wig to wear if I wanted through the rest of my last year of High School so people wouldn’t know if I didn’t want them too. It still surprises me they didn’t when I talk to them now. Since that point she has helped me get to places if I couldn’t get there on my own and I talk to her every day even though I’ve moved out and have gotten married. She supports and worries just as much as she did that first day when I was 18 in High School.