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Legacy of Love

Rochester LOL

St. Thomas' Episcopal


Submitted by:
Jennifer Kruschwitz
My husband, Brian, and I have no immediate family in the Rochester area. After my brain surgery, my husband needed to go back to work. I sent out the call for volunteers to help keep an eye on me for an hour or two a day as I regained my strength on my right side, and provide transportation to an from oncology and radiation appointments (since I couldn’t drive after my seizures). We referred to these volunteers as “Jen-sitters”. My wonderful Church family, from St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church heeded the call. My dear friends (pictured), Dr. Carolyn Mok, Dr. Robert Ferris, Deb Cougler, Caroline Yates, (not pictured) Gavin Phillips, Susan and Chuck Pickhardt answered the call. They not only offered their time to assist me, they were awesome companions that kept my spirits high. I could not have imagined having a more dedicated group of individuals. The entire congregation prayed for my recovery and offered me their strength to get through the challenges that faced me. For this reason, it is my pleasure to nominate the congregation at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church of Rochester, NY for their Legacy of Love.