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In Remembrance


Daniel Weaver

This is in honor of my son Danny. As he so eloquently said “our lives changed forever” on June 27th, 2009. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor known as a glioblastoma which later was diagnosed as a gliosarcoma and after his second brain surgery, changing of cells showed that the tumor had changed to a primary brain sarcoma. He saw many doctors from Houston to San Francisco and received all treatments willingly and with a smile on his face. He was able to endure as long as we could see results. Needless to say, the treatments did nothing to slow the growth of the rumors and we had virtually rin out of options. Any other treatment would have left him with no quality of life and a decision had to be made. He decided “no more”. He passed away
away March 3rd, 2010.

I want everyone to know what kind of man he was. He faced this with determination, perseverance and hope every single day. He always had a smile on his face and a hug for anyone. One thing him and I used to say in unison was “this sucks”. He was given the Faith Award in 2009. He did have faith that whatever he would face, he would face it with courage and he did.

His doctor told me later that Danny never complained even though some of the treatment was brutal. He also said he hoped he would be the kind of man my son was if he was ever faced with the same experience. That meant a lot to me. Our family knew what kind of man he was and he is still in our thoughts every day.

I have wrote this for two reasons. One is I want everyone to know what kind of man my son was and two, to let everyone know how urgently funds are needed for research in this field. I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, I want you to feel sorry for any other man, woman, or child who is diagnosed with this disease. Lets not let them be told “this treatment is not working and there are no other options”. Please open your hearts and your billfolds and be as generous as you can.

Make a Donation in Honor of 

Daniel Weaver