Ervin went to ER for left sided weakness thinking he was having a TIA. Doctors said he had a brain lesion on April 15, 2014. We chose to go to UT Southwestern to have his brain surgery on May 8 and told on May 19, 2014 that he had Glioblastoma Multiforme. He started his six weeks of chemo and radiation on June 3 and doctors were amazed how well he was doing and with only seven more to go, we were looking forward to coming back home to our four children in Santa Fe, Texas. On July 3 he started running a low grade fever but docs and nurses said his lungs sounded good but to watch him over weekend. On July 5 I took him to ER -he refused to go on the 4 th, and was diagnosed with pneumonia. Went to ICU and was told the next day he had pcp from Temodar and would probably not survive. He kept telling me he was going to get better and we would be going home and kept insisting on getting his last seven radiations. But it was not to be, he went downhill, perked up on Saturday when kids and friends drove to Dallas to see him but he passed away from respiratory failure due to pcp on July 16, 2014. Ervin was 66, a Vietnam Vet, retired from Galveston Police Department and had worked for Santa Fe ISD PD and was over the junior high. He never saw the bad in anyone, especially the kids. Always was mentoring them. He is missed terribly by his wife and four children, all of the police departments, students and anyone else who knew him. You never heard anyone say a bad thing about him. The police department met him at the base of the causeway with more than 20 police units with lights and sirens on and stopped all traffic on Broadway until they brought him home to the funeral home. They even sent a unit to escort him home from Dallas with me, his wife and two children all the way to Galveston with lights on their unit going. Ervin would always tell me that we would grow old together since we both had recently retired and started to travel in our new Columbus Fifthwheel.