Our son Gilbert, who went by the nickname P-Nut, was the most loving, carefree, funny, energized child you could ever imagine. He loved everyone and everything with such great passion. His favorite past times included being outdoors, riding his skateboard, and playing imaginary games with this younger siblings.
At age 10, he was diagnosed with stage 4 Glioblastoma. And while this cancer tried to take who he was away, he did not let it. He never lost his spirit or tenacity. His view on life never changed, and he kept his unique view of the world, even while fighting his body daily.
Up till the very end, he loved making others laugh, and enjoyed the most he could with our little household, tight hugs and wet kisses being his trademark goodnight. We lost him on Feb. 19th, 2015, at the tender age of 11. And while he may be gone physically, I see him all around and cherish the things he left behind. Whether it be a song that plays, or a clack of a skateboard, he will forever be.