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In Remembrance


Jaden Lozano

On May 13, 2009 a healthy baby boy was born. He was our only child, and the only grandchild. He was a spoiled kid, loved by everyone. He had an amazing personality. He would light up any room he stepped into. My husband and I couldn’t have asked for anything else in life. On January 2013 My husband joined the U.S Army, to try to give his family a better life. We got orders to Tacoma Washington shortly after and oh did Jaden love it there. It was so green with many lakes and parks, he loved chasing after squirrels, and squirrels would always go to him when he would call them softly. On December 18, 2013 my little family flew back to NM to be with our family for the holidays. The morning of Christmas Eve we began to notice that Jaden was walking kind of strange and that the left side of his face was a little droopy. We took him to Urgent care where they rushed us to the ER and that was the beginning of a nightmare. After some tests They told us he had a mass on his brain. They transferred us that night to El Paso Children’s hospital where my son was admitted. We stayed there until my son was able to get a biopsy done, on January 6th to find out what kind of mass it was. They diagnosed him with an Astrocytoma of the brain stem (Brain tumor). It was only partially resected due to the location. We were able to get orders for a compassionate reassignment to Fort Bliss, in El Paso TX, to be closer to our family during this difficult time. That Tumor only grew larger. On March 23, 2014 My son coded. He had stopped breathing and was intubated for 12 days. He began to breathe on his on after that. We never gave up hope. My son began to receive radiation treatment for the next 30 days, His treatment ended right before his 5th birthday May 13th. My son never got any better unfortunately. He stayed in a coma like stage ever since he had coded. On July 26, 2014, 7 months after he was diagnosed my son took his last breath and was finally able to rest. It has been very hard for my entire family. My husband and I have been lucky to be part of a childhood cancer awareness foundation, and they have really helped us through this difficult time. We will forever miss our angel, and his memory will always live on.

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Jaden Lozano