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In Remembrance


Jennifer Vargas Natal

My daughter Jennifer was diagnosed at the age of 15 with a brain stem glioma which was inoperable. She lost mobility of her left leg. She was given chemotherapy and radiation and went up and beyond on the amount she intake. She went into physical therapy for her leg and was able to obtain usage of it again. She went into remission for several years. She graduated from East Central High School in the top ten percent of her class and then went on to Texas A &M where she got up to her Junior year. She then decided to leave School and got married to a soldier and got pregnant and unfortunately she lost mobility of her left side she came back to Texas and had her miracle baby at 7 and a half months. She then was told her tumor had started to grow back and that was why she couldn’t walk they had to wait till she healed from her c section before they could start chemotherapy on her and also start physical therapy in order to learn to walk and get her strength back. She was blessed and she was able to do this and she went into remission again but unfortunately she got sick and her tumor got reactivated and unfortunately passed away at the age of 24 one week after her birthday. She was a fighter and accomplished many things she went back to school at the university of the Incarnate Word where she was given her associate degree a day after she passed away she also left a legacy her son Christian which is her miracle baby. She got to meet president Obama for her make a Wish, which it took her case worker three years for Jennifer to accept it. She is my hero. All I can say is she fought to the end and went up and beyond on everything. She lived over the estimated time which was 5 years for a brain cancer patient but she out did that time frame. She was truly blessed. We do the Relay for life every year to honor her and raise money for the cause. 

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Jennifer Vargas Natal