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In Remembrance


Joanne Fisher

I first met Joanne Fisher about six months after she was diagnosed with brain cancer. I was a 4th grade student at the time, the same age as her daughter, Jill. Jill and I were best friends, so I spent the next few years basically as part of their family. I saw Joanne go through really good times when the cancer was shrinking, but also some really tough times as she went through various cancer treatments. Joanne died just three years later at the age of 42. She left behind her husband, an 18 year old daughter, a 16 year old son, and Jill, just 12 years old at the time. Her love for God, life, and others gave her the courage and strength as she fought the battle with cancer. I know she would be proud of her family as they have grown. Jill is now a chemist and pursuing graduate school to go into cancer research. She will always be greatly missed, but also leaves behind a great legacy to her children and those whose lives were impacted by her.

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Joanne Fisher