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In Remembrance


Linda Crumbliss

My mom was amazing. She raised my brother and I all by herself. She always put us first with so much love shining out of her. She was my best friend and she never gave up on me. She taught me how to live and how to be brave. She was diagnosed in 2000 with geoblastoma multiform. After her first surgery she told me she just wanted to live long enough for me to have a baby and for my brother to graduate high school. A few months later I found out I was pregnant and due in March and my brother was graduating that May. It was the end, she fought long and hard and we were by her side to the very end. My mom took her last breath on March 10th 2002, I had my daughter just 12 days later and my brother graduated months later in May. I still miss her and still reach for the phone to talk to her every day.

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Linda Crumbliss