Matt was a devoted husband and father and loved his family more than anything. He loved spending time with his children and was their #1 fan at all their soccer and basketball games. Matt was the crazy dad running and yelling, “Kick and Run!” up and down the sidelines even when his kids were only three years old. Matt would spend hours giving them pointers on all the things he might have learned by watching the Utah Jazz play on TV. Matt claimed since he was a such a huge Jazz fan and watched a lot of their games, he knew how to play and could help each of them with their game. The kids would always just smile and listen to everything he would try to teach them. Matt shared his love for sports with his kids. They all love and cheer for BYU football, the Utah Jazz, and the San Francisco 49ers because that’s what their dad did.
In 2003, Matt’s coworkers talked him into doing a sprint triathlon. Not only did Matt come in first place in his age bracket for this race, but he also finished last-place overall. This race was the beginning of his love for running. His “butt-kicking” prancing stride was unmistakable, and he could be spotted from blocks away. Matt could be found every year running the 4th of July 5K with his kids and family, while always letting his kids beat him to the finish line.
Matt was extremely kind and always saw the good in everyone. He had a positive influence on so many lives and made everyone better just by knowing him. Matt always thought of others and tried to find ways to serve them. He had a great sense of humor, an infectious laugh, and a beautiful smile. Matt loved to quote funny movies, and he continued to make us laugh until the day he left us. Because of these cherished memories, our home will always be overflowing with laughter, even on the hardest days.
Matt was diagnosed with brain cancer on June 2, 2017 and continued to fight until the end. He is a true example of enduring to the end and lived up to our family motto “Colliers Never Quit.”
We love you Matt and miss you more than anyone will ever know.