William David Robinson had a burning spark of joy, hope, compassion, courage, and strength inside him. He was eager to face whatever each day had in store. He embraced and accepted the sunshine days along with the cloudy days. He was funny and he helped others by lifting the weight that others carried with just a smile. He brought so much light into this world. He got his aircraft technicians license at age 19 to build parts for aircrafts. He had a curiosity and passion about life that made him bright eyed for the world around him. He enjoyed always learning something new like computer science or world history. He once told me he always thought of himself as wanting to be “a jack of all trades” since he wanted to learn about so many different things. It seemed like everything interested him and peaked his curiosity. He also enjoyed watching movies like Star Wars and playing video games. William had a young soul and a big warm heart, he cared for others and always made sure that the people he loves were taken care of. There are not enough words in the world to describe how unique and special William is. The life he lived is cherish by all the lives he touched.