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Omaha, Meet Your Event Coordinator!

We’re only 6 weeks out from the 4th annual Head for the Cure – Omaha event on July 29th! Please take a moment to meet your event coordinator, Brian Orrick! Let Brian know what he can do to help YOU be successful. 

Meet Your Coordinator Image.png

How long have you worked at HFTC? 
I interned the summer of 2015 at Head for the Cure before I completed my final year at Kansas State University. My full time career started in May of 2016. 

Where else have you worked? 

My previous work experience includes time spent at a Kansas City area law firm and at The Kansas CIty Sport Club. 

What is your favorite part of your job? 
It has been a great experience meeting people from all over the country, coming together around a central cause. Their energy and passion to find a cure is a contant inspiration.  

What is your favorite quote? 
“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.” President John F. Kennedy

If you have questions about the event, please reach out to Brian! 



About Head for the Cure
Head for the Cure is dedicated to raising hope, awareness and funding in the fight against brain cancer. Our 5K events are not only successful fundraisers, but unique tributes to those who are fighting brain cancer and those who have lost their battles. Their memories carry on through the teams that are formed around them, and these teams return year after year to celebrate their legacies.

In pursuit of a cure
Funds raised from the Head for the Cure 5K – Omaha event benefit the Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative (BTTC) and Leap-for-a-Cure